mandag den 30. maj 2011

Lost Controle

Recently I have found that I can't controle myself anymore! Unfortunately I begun going back to my bad habits like eating too much cake and sweets! From this day I WILL HAVE CONTROLE! I'll will gain it back!

This week I'm going to run 6 times 5 km each time.
I'm also going back to eating one bowl of fiber müsli, All Bran or rolled oats with milk and one tsp of sugar. For lunch I have decided to eat one cracker with sandwich spread on, some fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water! For dinner I will as usual eat one serving of whatever we're having and drink more water. Snacks could be a cracker with jam or something, it could also be 10 almonds and 15 raisins or a healthy smoothie or juice! Oh and FRUIT AND VEGETABLES!!!
Hope all of you still have controle over your eating habits ;-)

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